Meditation states

Ramana ashram

Rarefied meditation states

Rarefied conscious states are distant from ordinary conscious states. This distinction is by token of mind control (body control) through one or another prescriptive process. When doing research into various yoga schools it became clear there were differences. The rarefied meditation states had properties based on three broad social categorical factors that linked to a yogic enclave. (blog under construction)

Transcendental rarefied states

Westerners who go to the Sri Ramana ashram tend towards a version of transcendentalism. Transcendentalists seek not truth conditionals ( such as if it is raining then there is water) but truth existential experiences. The methodology in essence is to move the mind away from the plethora of truth conditionals that fill ordinary walking conscious states. The behavioural correlates seem to vary based on the sort of practice. However a general observation is its less about doing things and more about reflective observation of non conditional states of consciousness, and therefore cultivating those rarefied states. So its quite distinct from the visionaries and occultists. The conscious intentional state is non-complex but interdependent peaceful interaction with the environment.

Visionary rarefied states.

This state of rarefied awareness is based on being within a New Religious Movement to create the conditions for a vision. My experience is based on four years of meditation with the BKs (biography page) from 1984 to 1989. The visionary aspect has multiple variations of possible truth conditionals based on the vision of paradise on earth or a other world. The variation that I am familiar with is that of the BK stages process. So an initial rarefied level is soul consciousness. Its a detached sense from social stratification into a highly sense based world being in the spiritual pod. then god consciousness which might give visions of paradise. The state is complex interdependent in formulation. It is based on multi levels of conceptual knowledge, along with a coherent internal ethical code, and a strict system of meditation practice.

Tantra rarefied states.

The focus on love as a practice within the followers indicates a form of tantra as with Mata Amritanandamayi. It was in 1996 that my research led me to the ashram near the sea in South India. What became evident was the extreme extent of devotion to the Devi as if it were a spiritual pod. The followers I met had an extraordinary physical sense of presence with Umma and waited to hug her in long lines for many hours. It was a very motherly experience which made it earthy and like being a child but also had elements of transcendence and vision.