arte povera Australia

Art profile of Anselmo Giovanni

Anselmo , Giovanni. Born in Borgfranco d’Ivrea, 5 August 1934.
Associated with Arte Povera movement of which he was a member. Exhibited in Galleria Sperone, Turin 1968 up to 1987
Style: balancing cubes, floating bubles, suspended sheets of plexiglas and hanging chains, Anselmo had abandoned the traditional picture plane in an attempt to create a more direct representation of the themes of gravity and movement. He was striving for an immediate relation to the real world, both visible and invisible.
( Roberto Lambarelli)

Reflections on elements of style

Similarities that I have with Anselmo and Arte Povera.

Poveri art

Set of four suspension representational forms of travel, high mountains, disposable foam
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